Are you looking for Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors in this online shopping world? We have find something for you that will complete your requirements and you will be happy at the end. You only need to just check the list below and it will solve your confusion for that particular product.
Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors one which has below features:
- Greatest protection
- Application
- 2 kinds of protectors
- Tempered glass of 9h hardness
- Surface hardness 9h
We have analysed and create the list of 10 Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors. We hope that our work will help you to choose the best product and clear the confusion about which one to choose.
We analyse many Ps Vita Screen Protectors and choose a best one for you is a (Pack of 2) Screen Protector for PS Vita 1000, Akwox Premium HD Clear 9H Tempered Glass Screen Protective Film for Sony Playstation Vita PSV 1000-Max Clarity and Touch Accuracy Film, which comes with many features that you’ve never heard before. This one is the Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors in the market today. However, if you want to explore more and don’t want to spend big on Ps Vita Screen Protectors, then you can also choose HORI Screen Protective Filter for PlayStation Vita 2000 Series which comes with all the basic and good features that we expect in Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors.
To help you in to choose best one, we have made this list of the Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors for you.
Table of Contents
- 1. (Pack of 2) Screen Protector for PS Vita 1000, Akwox Premium HD Clear 9H Tempered Glass Screen Protective Film for Sony Playstation Vita PSV 1000-Max Clarity and Touch Accuracy Film
- 2. HORI Screen Protective Filter for PlayStation Vita 2000 Series
- 3. Skinomi Full Body Skin Protector Compatible with Sony PS Vita (PCH-2000)(Screen Protector + Back Cover) TechSkin Full Coverage Clear HD Film
- 4. PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Model Crystal Black Limited edition (PCH-1100AB01)
- 5. HORI PS Vita Silicone Protector
- 6. IQ Shield Matte Full Body Skin Compatible with Sony Playstation PS Vita (3G) + Anti-Glare (Full Coverage) Screen Protector and Anti-Bubble Film
- 7. Insten Full Body Screen Protector Compatible With Sony PlayStation Vita PCH-1000 (PS Vita)
- 8. Screen Protectors Compatible Sony PlayStation Vita 1000 & Back Covers, AFUNTA 2 Pack (4 Pcs) Tempered Glass for Front Screen & HD Clear PET Film Compatible the Back PS Vita PSV PCH-1000 Film Accessory
- 9. AFUNTA Screen Protectors Compatible Sony Playstation Vita 2000 with Back Covers, 2 Pack (4 Pcs) Tempered Glass for Front Screen and HD Clear PET Film Compatible The Back, PS Vita PSV 2000
- 10. [3-Pack]-Mr.Shield for Sony PS Vita 2000 / Sony Playstation Vita PSV 2000-Max [Tempered Glass] Screen Protector with Lifetime Replacement
You may have the following question in your mind before you buy Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors:
What is the best price for Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors?
All products have different function different features/quality. We can not define the proper price for any product without using it. We listed the best products here based on customer reviews and featured products. So compare the products and choose the best one that suits you.
Who else uses the product in the market and whar are the reviews?
You question’s answer is in this article, you will find link with text like ‘Read Reviews’ or ‘Read Customer Reviews Here »’ it will take you to directly to the customer review section so you can easily read all reviews of that product from different users.
View the Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors on the Market, Below.

1.(Pack of 2) Screen Protector for PS Vita 1000, Akwox Premium HD Clear 9H Tempered Glass Screen Protective Film for Sony Playstation Vita PSV 1000-Max Clarity and Touch Accuracy Film
- Designed for sony playstation vita 1000,precise laser cut designed specifically to offer max body coverage
- Greatest protection: Extremely high hardness,resists scratches up to 9h tempered glass with long lasting protection
- 99.99% hd clarity and touchscreen accuracy: High-response, high-transparency

2.HORI Screen Protective Filter for PlayStation Vita 2000 Series
- Protect the PS Vita 2000 (new slim model) LCD screen from dirt and scratches
- High quality PET material imported from Japan
- Easy application method for bubble-free and dust-free results

3.Skinomi Full Body Skin Protector Compatible with Sony PS Vita (PCH-2000)(Screen Protector + Back Cover) TechSkin Full Coverage Clear HD Film
- The TechSkin full body + screen protector compatible with Sony PS Vita (PCH-2000) is specifically designed using precise laser cutting technology to offer maximum full body coverage. Material flexibility allows total coverage even on curved devices
- Self-Healing, flexible, tough, military-grade thermoplastic urethane, designed to absorb impact. The TechSkin is resistant against scratches, punctures, UV light and will not yellow
- Easy, error-proof, and anti-bubble installation. Liquid solution allows adjustments during installation. Significantly reduces dust, oil and fingerprint smudges

4.PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Model Crystal Black Limited edition (PCH-1100AB01)
- PlayStation Vita (PlayStation Vita) 3G / Wi-Fi model Crystal Black Limited Edition (PCH-1100AB01)
- w/tracking number by JP post

5.HORI PS Vita Silicone Protector
- Officially licensed by SCEA
- Protects outer part of your PS Vita system from dirt and scratches
- Provides comfort and better grip when playing

6.IQ Shield Matte Full Body Skin Compatible with Sony Playstation PS Vita (3G) + Anti-Glare (Full Coverage) Screen Protector and Anti-Bubble Film
- The IQ Shield Anti-Glare Full Body Protector compatible with Sony Playstation PS Vita (3G) is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, as part of the IQ Shield Lifetime Warranty Program
- Unlike other common protectors, IQ Shield Matte protectors reduce glare, allowing users to enjoy their devices in brightly lit areas
- A unique outer coating prevents dust, grime and fingerprints from appearing on the surface of the device, while keeping the device protected

7.Insten Full Body Screen Protector Compatible With Sony PlayStation Vita PCH-1000 (PS Vita)
- Your Sony PSP Vitas LCD screen is the window to its virtual soul; keep it clean and unscratched with this Reusable Full Body Screen Protector.This Full Body Screen Protector for Sony PSP Vita features easy installation steps
- Installation steps may be found on the two tabs on the front and back protector layer.Protect your Sony PSP Vitas body and LCD screen against dust and scratches and eliminate glare
- Designed for perfect fit with the PSP Vita.Offers tough, durable, transparent surface while keeping the LCD screen, and body, clean and unscratched.Attaches smoothly with self-adhering surface

8.Screen Protectors Compatible Sony PlayStation Vita 1000 & Back Covers, AFUNTA 2 Pack (4 Pcs) Tempered Glass for Front Screen & HD Clear PET Film Compatible the Back PS Vita PSV PCH-1000 Film Accessory
- APPLICATION: Specifically designed for Sony Playstation Vita 1000, both the screen and the back, made of real glass of 0.33mm thickness, which can effectively protect the screens from external scratches.
- 2 KINDS OF PROTECTORS: There are 2 pcs anti-scratch tempered glass for the screen, and 2 pcs HD clear PET film for the back.
- TEMPERED GLASS of 9H HARDNESS: Made of high hardness material, after tempered steel processing, the hardness of surface up to 9H, which provides daily protection to against scratches and reduce the damage of your screen.

9.AFUNTA Screen Protectors Compatible Sony Playstation Vita 2000 with Back Covers, 2 Pack (4 Pcs) Tempered Glass for Front Screen and HD Clear PET Film Compatible The Back, PS Vita PSV 2000
- APPLICATION: Specifically designed for Sony PlayStation Vita 2000, both the screen and the back, made of real glass of 0.33mm thickness, which can effectively protect the screens from external scratches.
- 2 KINDS OF PROTECTORS: There are 2 pcs anti-scratch tempered glass for the screen, and 2 pcs HD clear PET film for the back.
- TEMPERED GLASS of 9H HARDNESS: Made of high hardness material, after tempered steel processing, the hardness of surface up to 9H, which provides daily protection to against scratches and reduce the damage of your screen.

10.[3-Pack]-Mr.Shield for Sony PS Vita 2000 / Sony Playstation Vita PSV 2000-Max [Tempered Glass] Screen Protector with Lifetime Replacement
- Include 3 PCS Tempered Glass Screen Protector compatible with Sony PS Vita 2000 / Sony PlayStation Vita PSV 2000-Max
- From scratches to high impact drops, you are protected with Mr.Shield HD Clear Ballistic Glass
- Surface hardness 9H – Highly durable, and scratch resistant
All information explained above is collected from the authentic sources. The ranking has been given on Ps Vita Screen Protectors based on featured and minimum reviews and rating on However, it is always advisable to make sure your requirements and purposes. After that, you should check the product and its features to confirm that it is meeting your needs and purposes.
We hope you enjoyed our article on “Ten Best Ps Vita Screen Protectors for 2020”, if so, please share it.
Tags: best selling ps vita screen protectors, ps vita screen protectors top rated, ps vita screen protectors reviews