Are you looking for Best Husqvarna Trimmer in this online shopping world? We have find something for you that will complete your requirements and you will be happy at the end. You only need to just check the list below and it will solve your confusion for that particular product.
Best Husqvarna Trimmer one which has below features:
- 25cc gas engine
- Curved shaft
- Dual line bump head
We have analysed and create the list of 10 Best Husqvarna Trimmer. We hope that our work will help you to choose the best product and clear the confusion about which one to choose.
We analyse many Husqvarna Trimmer and choose a best one for you is a Husqvarna 128LD 17″ Cutting Path Detachable Gas String Trimmer, which comes with many features that you’ve never heard before. This one is the Best Husqvarna Trimmer in the market today. However, if you want to explore more and don’t want to spend big on Husqvarna Trimmer, then you can also choose Husqvarna 324L 4-Cycle 18″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer which comes with all the basic and good features that we expect in Best Husqvarna Trimmer.
To help you in to choose best one, we have made this list of the Best Husqvarna Trimmer for you.
Table of Contents
- 1. Husqvarna 128LD 17″ Cutting Path Detachable Gas String Trimmer
- 2. Husqvarna 324L 4-Cycle 18″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer
- 3. Husqvarna Battery Straight Shaft String Trimmer 115iL
- 4. Husqvarna 967175201 Straight Shaft Gas String Trimmer, 23cc/322 L
- 5. Husqvarna 115iHD55 Cordless Battery Hedge Trimmer
- 6. Husqvarna 129L 17″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer,Orange
- 7. Husqvarna 966532302 122HD45 Gas Hedge Trimmer, 21.7 cc/18/10.3 lb, Orange
- 8. Husqvarna 122HD60 21.7cc Gas 23.7-in Dual Action Hedge Trimmer 9665324-02
- 9. Remington RM25C 25cc 2-Cycle 16-Inch Curved Shaft Gas String Trimmer, Orange
- 10. Husqvarna 129C 17″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer,Orange
You may have the following question in your mind before you buy Best Husqvarna Trimmer:
What is the best price for Best Husqvarna Trimmer?
All products have different function different features/quality. We can not define the proper price for any product without using it. We listed the best products here based on customer reviews and featured products. So compare the products and choose the best one that suits you.
Who else uses the product in the market and whar are the reviews?
You question’s answer is in this article, you will find link with text like ‘Read Reviews’ or ‘Read Customer Reviews Here »’ it will take you to directly to the customer review section so you can easily read all reviews of that product from different users.
View the Best Husqvarna Trimmer on the Market, Below.

1.Husqvarna 128LD 17″ Cutting Path Detachable Gas String Trimmer
- Features a 28cc 2-cycle engine which powers the 17 inch (cutting width) trimmer head
- Trimmer engine runs on a mixture of unleaded gas and 2-cycle oil (2. 6 oz bottle is included, see bottle for mixing instructions)
- Easily release new trimmer line as you work by tapping the trimmer head against the grass to activate the Tap ‘N Go line release feature

2.Husqvarna 324L 4-Cycle 18″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer
- Features a 25cc 4-cycle engine which powers the 18 inch (cutting width) trimmer head
- Trimmer engine runs on unleaded gas, requiring no mixing of fuel and oil
- Easily release New trimmer line as you work by tapping the trimmer head against the grass to activate the tap ‘N Go line release feature

3.Husqvarna Battery Straight Shaft String Trimmer 115iL
- Save mode allows you to maximize your run time by allowing the motor to work more efficiently
- Brushless electric motor has an innovative design to deliver high efficiency and maximizes run time while extending life of the tool. Battery voltage – 36.5 V
- The telescopic shaft makes it easy to adjust the products length to find a comfortable working position and provides for easy storage/transport

4.Husqvarna 967175201 Straight Shaft Gas String Trimmer, 23cc/322 L
- Air purge removes air from carburetor and fuel system for easy starting
- X-Torq Engine to lower fuel consumption & reduced emissions
- Easy to refill and easy to use trimmer head

5.Husqvarna 115iHD55 Cordless Battery Hedge Trimmer
- Save mode allows you to maximize your run time by allowing the motor to work more efficiently
- Brushless electric motor has an innovative design to deliver high efficiency and maximizes run time while extending life of the tool
- The 22-in. Dual action blades provides extended reach and low vibration for maximum user comfort

6.Husqvarna 129L 17″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer,Orange
- Features a 27. 6cc 2-cycle engine which powers the 17 inch (cutting width) trimmer head
- Trimmer engine runs on a mixture of unleaded gas and 2-cycle oil (2. 6 oz. Bottle is included, see bottle for mixing instructions)
- Easily release New trimmer line as you work by tapping the trimmer head against the grass to activate the tap ‘N Go line release feature

7.Husqvarna 966532302 122HD45 Gas Hedge Trimmer, 21.7 cc/18/10.3 lb, Orange
- Husqvarna 18 in. gas hedge trimmer cuts twigs and shrubs up to 4/5 in. thick
- 21. 7cc, 2-cycle engine delivers the power you need to get the job done fast
- Lightweight 10. 36 lb. design is easy to maneuver

8.Husqvarna 122HD60 21.7cc Gas 23.7-in Dual Action Hedge Trimmer 9665324-02
- The Smart Start engine and starter have been designed so the machine starts quickly with minimum effort
- A carburetor air purge system removes air from the carburetor and fuel system for easy starting
- When the machine is turned off, the stop switch automatically returns to the start position for easier starting

9.Remington RM25C 25cc 2-Cycle 16-Inch Curved Shaft Gas String Trimmer, Orange
- 25CC GAS ENGINE: QuickStart technology Engine to make pull starts easier.
- CURVED SHAFT: Curved shaft design makes cutting and trimming parts of your lawn more comfortable and balanced.
- DUAL LINE BUMP HEAD: Avoid interrupting your yard job! Simply tap the head on the ground to feed more line on your trimmer.

10.Husqvarna 129C 17″ Cutting Path Gas String Trimmer,Orange
- Features a 27. 6cc 2-cycle engine which powers the 17 inch (cutting width) trimmer head
- The curved shaft design helps to evenly distribute the weight of the trimmer so you can operate for longer periods with greater comfort
- Trimmer engine runs on a mixture of unleaded gas and 2-cycle oil (2. 6 oz. Bottle is included, see bottle for mixing instructions)
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Tags: husqvarna trimmer reviews, highest rated husqvarna trimmer, husqvarna trimmer top rated