Are you looking for Best Cheap Paint Sprayers in this online shopping world? We have find something for you that will complete your requirements and you will be happy at the end. You only need to just check the list below and it will solve your confusion for that particular product.
Best Cheap Paint Sprayers one which has below features:
- Control paint flow
- Spray paint unthinned
- Spray directly from paint bucket
- 3 spray patterns & 4 nozzle sizes
- Adjustable flow control
- More power=spray more materials
We have analysed and create the list of 10 Best Cheap Paint Sprayers. We hope that our work will help you to choose the best product and clear the confusion about which one to choose.
We analyse many Cheap Paint Sprayers and choose a best one for you is a Graco Magnum 257025 Project Painter Plus Paint Sprayer, which comes with many features that you’ve never heard before. This one is the Best Cheap Paint Sprayers in the market today. However, if you want to explore more and don’t want to spend big on Cheap Paint Sprayers, then you can also choose Graco Magnum 262800 X5 Stand Airless Paint Sprayer which comes with all the basic and good features that we expect in Best Cheap Paint Sprayers.
To help you in to choose best one, we have made this list of the Best Cheap Paint Sprayers for you.
Table of Contents
- 1. Graco Magnum 257025 Project Painter Plus Paint Sprayer
- 2. Graco Magnum 262800 X5 Stand Airless Paint Sprayer
- 3. Graco Magnum 262805 X7 Cart Airless Paint Sprayer
- 4. REXBETI Ultimate-750 Paint Sprayer, High Power Hvlp Home Electric Spray Gun, Lightweight, Easy Spraying and Cleaning, 5-pcs Paint Strainers, 4 Nozzles(1 Nozzle has Already Been Installed on The Gun)
- 5. HomeRight C800971 Paint Sprayer, Super Finish Max, Multi
- 6. REXBETI 700 Watt High Power Paint Sprayer, 1000ml/min Hvlp Home Electric Spray Gun with 1000ml Container, Easy Spraying and Cleaning, 6 Nozzle Sizes (1 Nozzle has Already Been Installed on The Gun)
- 7. Graco 17G180 Magnum ProX19 Cart Paint Sprayer
- 8. Graco 17A466 TrueCoat 360 DS Paint Sprayer
- 9. Graco Ultra Cordless Airless Handheld Paint Sprayer 17M363
- 10. Wagner Spraytech 0529010 FLEXiO 590 Handheld HVLP Paint Sprayer, Sprays Unthinned Latex, Includes Two, iSpray Detail Finish Nozzle, Complete Adjustability for All Needs
You may have the following question in your mind before you buy Best Cheap Paint Sprayers:
What is the best price for Best Cheap Paint Sprayers?
All products have different function different features/quality. We can not define the proper price for any product without using it. We listed the best products here based on customer reviews and featured products. So compare the products and choose the best one that suits you.
Who else uses the product in the market and whar are the reviews?
You question’s answer is in this article, you will find link with text like ‘Read Reviews’ or ‘Read Customer Reviews Here »’ it will take you to directly to the customer review section so you can easily read all reviews of that product from different users.
View the Best Cheap Paint Sprayers on the Market, Below.

1.Graco Magnum 257025 Project Painter Plus Paint Sprayer
- CONTROL PAINT FLOW: Fully adjustable pressure to give you ultimate control of paint flow for any project size; RAC IV Switch Tip allows you to reverse the tip when clogged to keep you spraying
- SPRAY PAINT UNTHINNED: Stainless Steel Piston Pump allows you to spray paint unthinned at high pressure. Compatible Tip Size (inch)- 0.009, 0.011, 0.013, 0.015
- SPRAY DIRECTLY FROM PAINT BUCKET: Flexible suction tube allows you to spray directly from a 1 or 5 gallon paint bucket

2.Graco Magnum 262800 X5 Stand Airless Paint Sprayer
- CONTROL PAINT FLOW: Fully adjustable pressure to give you ultimate control of paint flow for any project size
- SPRAY PAINT UNTHINNED: Stainless Steel Piston Pump allows you to spray paint unthinned at high pressure
- SPRAY DIRECTLY FROM PAINT BUCKET: Flexible suction tube allows you to spray directly from a 1 or 5 gallon paint bucket

3.Graco Magnum 262805 X7 Cart Airless Paint Sprayer
- CONTROL PAINT FLOW: Fully adjustable pressure to give you ultimate control of paint flow for any project size; RAC IV SwitchTip allows you to reverse the tip when clogged to keep you spraying
- SPRAY PAINT UNTHINNED: Stainless Steel Piston Pump allows you to spray paint unthinned at high pressure
- SPRAY DIRECTLY FROM PAINT BUCKET: Flexible suction tube allows you to spray directly from a 1 or 5 gallon paint bucket

4.REXBETI Ultimate-750 Paint Sprayer, High Power Hvlp Home Electric Spray Gun, Lightweight, Easy Spraying and Cleaning, 5-pcs Paint Strainers, 4 Nozzles(1 Nozzle has Already Been Installed on The Gun)
- ( kindly notice : totally there are 4 nozzles, the 2.5mm black nozzle has already been installed on the gun. ) High power & superior finish – With high power, the ultimate-750 provides a precise spray pattern,creating the smooth and superior finish.With 1000ml high-capacity container,it will be your best electric paint sprayer for tables, chairs,fences,interior walls and crafts
- 3 spray patterns & 4 nozzle sizes – The ultimate-750 paint sprayer can be adjusted to 3 different spray patterns : horizontal, vertical and circular ,equipped with 4-size nozzles(1.5mm/2.0mm/2.5mm/3.0mm) for any painting projects.1.5mm, 2.0mm and 2.5mm nozzle are great for thin paints like sealers and varnish. 3.0mm nozzle is great for spraying latex paint,chalk type paint and milk type paint.And 5-pcs paint strainers is great for you to filter particles in paint
- Adjustable flow control – Regulate your paint output by adjusting the flow control knob on the sprayer to get different paint output, suitable for edges, corners and broad interior surfaces of various work

5.HomeRight C800971 Paint Sprayer, Super Finish Max, Multi
- PAINT SPRAYER FOR COUNTLESS DIY PROJECTS: The HomeRight Super Finish Max paint sprayer offers the ultimate DIYing experience. It’s an easy-to-use electric paint sprayer that’s the perfect step up from the Quick Finish and Finish Max paint sprayers. It’s great for applying a professional-like finish on countless small to large sized DIY projects like fences, decks, furniture, cabinets, dressers and more!
- ADJUSTABLE SETTINGS TO SUIT ANY PROJECT: The paint spray gun features easily adjustable settings to help complete any project. You can adjust the air cap to spray horizontal, vertical, and round. You can also adjust the material flow control knob to quickly increase or decrease the material output to customize your paint flow and project/coating needs
- MORE POWER=SPRAY MORE MATERIALS: The Super Finish Max offers 450 watts of powerful spraying experience, which is great for projects big and small. It can be used to spray a wide variety of paints and stains such as chalk type paint, milk paint, latex paints, enamels, primers, clear sealer, polyurethane, stain and varnish. When you’re done with your project, simply clean the sprayer with water for water based materials or mineral spirits for oil based. The sprayer also comes with a useful cleaning brush to make clean-up quicker

6.REXBETI 700 Watt High Power Paint Sprayer, 1000ml/min Hvlp Home Electric Spray Gun with 1000ml Container, Easy Spraying and Cleaning, 6 Nozzle Sizes (1 Nozzle has Already Been Installed on The Gun)
- ( Kindly Notice:Totally there are 6 nozzles,one nozzle has already been installed on the gun) High power & superior finish – With 700 Watts of power,this paint sprayer provides a precise spray pattern,creating the smooth and superior finish. With 1000ml high-capacity container,it will be your best electric paint sprayer for tables, chairs,fences,interior walls and crafts
- 3 spray patterns & 6 nozzle sizes – This REX043 paint sprayer can be adjusted to 3 different spray patterns :horizontal, vertical and circular ,equipped with 6-size nozzles(1.0mm/1.5mm/1.8mm/2.2mm/2.6mm/3.0mm) for any painting projects.1.0-2.2mm nozzle are great for thin paints like sealers and varnish. 2.6-3.0mm nozzle is great for spraying latex paint,chalk type paint and milk type paint.Please note that the blue nozzle(2.6mm) was installed in the gun
- Adjustable flow control – Regulate your paint output by adjusting the flow control knob on the sprayer to get different paint output, suitable for edges, corners and broad interior surfaces of various work and DIY projects

7.Graco 17G180 Magnum ProX19 Cart Paint Sprayer
- CONTROL PAINT FLOW: Fully adjustable pressure to give you ultimate control of paint flow for any project size; RAC IV SwitchTip allows you to reverse the tip when clogged to keep you spraying
- FILTERS DEBRIS FOR FEWER CLOGS: InstaClean pump filter – added pump filtration reduces tip clogs from debris in the paint
- SPRAY PAINT UNTHINNED: ProX Stainless Steel Piston Pump allows you to spray paint unthinned at high pressure

8.Graco 17A466 TrueCoat 360 DS Paint Sprayer
- ADJUSTABLE SPEEDS: Dual speed adjustment gives you 2 speeds to spray; low speed for small detail work and high speed to larger projects to complete faster
- SPRAY PAINT UNTHINNED: Stainless Steel Piston Pump allows you to spray paint unthinned at high pressure; Operating temperature range changes in paint viscosity at very low or high temperatures can affect sprayer performance -40 degree to 90 degree F
- SPRAY IN ANY DIRECTION: VacuValve technology creates an air tight system allowing you to spray in any direction, even upside down

9.Graco Ultra Cordless Airless Handheld Paint Sprayer 17M363
- Powered by DEWALT XR Lithium Ion System
- Perfect Airless Finish at Any Speed – Without Thinning
- Triax Triple Piston Pump with ProConnect

10.Wagner Spraytech 0529010 FLEXiO 590 Handheld HVLP Paint Sprayer, Sprays Unthinned Latex, Includes Two, iSpray Detail Finish Nozzle, Complete Adjustability for All Needs
- PERFECT FOR A VARIETY OF PROJECTS: The Flexio 590 paint sprayer is great for applying a superior finish on furniture, walls, ceilings, exterior siding, fences, cabinets, trim and more
- TWO NOZZLES INCLUDED: iSpray nozzle is ideal for spraying larger jobs and Detail Finish Nozzle is great for small projects and fine finishing
- SPRAY UNTHINNED MATERIALS: X-Boost turbine delivers the power to spray unthinned interior and exterior paints and stains
We hope you enjoyed our article on “Top 10 Best Cheap Paint Sprayers Available In 2020”, if so, please share it.
Tags: best rated cheap paint sprayers 2020, best selling cheap paint sprayers, cheap paint sprayers reviews