Are you looking for Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers in this online shopping world? We have find something for you that will complete your requirements and you will be happy at the end. You only need to just check the list below and it will solve your confusion for that particular product.
Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers one which has below features:
- Made to last
- The highest quality
- Easy to use
- Cast iron
- Stable in use
- 5 year
We have analysed and create the list of 10 Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers. We hope that our work will help you to choose the best product and clear the confusion about which one to choose.
We analyse many Apple Peeler Corer Slicers and choose a best one for you is a Cast Magnesium Apple/Potato Peeler Corer by Spiralizer, Durable Heavy Duty Die Cast Magnesium Alloy Peelers, which comes with many features that you’ve never heard before. This one is the Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers in the market today. However, if you want to explore more and don’t want to spend big on Apple Peeler Corer Slicers, then you can also choose VKP Brands VKP1010 Johnny Apple Peeler, Stainless Steel Blades, Red which comes with all the basic and good features that we expect in Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers.
To help you in to choose best one, we have made this list of the Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers for you.
Table of Contents
- 1. Cast Magnesium Apple/Potato Peeler Corer by Spiralizer, Durable Heavy Duty Die Cast Magnesium Alloy Peelers
- 2. VKP Brands VKP1010 Johnny Apple Peeler, Stainless Steel Blades, Red
- 3. Johnny Apple Peeler Cast Iron Clamp Base, Apple Slicer, Corer, Parer & Pie maker, Red
- 4. Apple Peeler, Stainless Steel Apple Corer Slicer Peeler, Durable Heavy Duty Die Cast Magnesium Alloy Apple Peeler Slicer Corer with Suction Base, Red
- 5. Apple Peeler, Slicer, Corer and Spiralizer with Sturdy Suction Base; Sleek Grey and Stainless Steel Design – Heavy Duty and Durable Apple Peeler by Heczy
- 6. Prepworks by Progressive Apple Peeler and Corer Machine, Heavy Duty Corer Remover, Pear Slicer, Mountable on Counter or Tabletop Apple Machine
- 7. Apple Peeler and Corer by Cucina Pro – Long Lasting Chrome Cast Iron with Countertop Suction Cup
- 8. Gorgenius Apple Peelers,Apple Peeler Corer Slicer Suction Base Durable Heavy Duty Blade Peelers 1pc Extra Blade
- 9. TAEERY Best Apple Spiral Peeler And Slicer,Table Top Apple Potato Peeler Corer Slicer Suction Base With Clamp,Stainless Steel Hand-Cranking Apple Peeler And Corer
- 10. Aiky Apple Peeler Slicer and Corer Suction Base for Pear Potatoes Apple Pie Cobbler Maker Red Cast Iron Body Kitchen Gadget
You may have the following question in your mind before you buy Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers:
What is the best price for Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers?
All products have different function different features/quality. We can not define the proper price for any product without using it. We listed the best products here based on customer reviews and featured products. So compare the products and choose the best one that suits you.
Who else uses the product in the market and whar are the reviews?
You question’s answer is in this article, you will find link with text like ‘Read Reviews’ or ‘Read Customer Reviews Here »’ it will take you to directly to the customer review section so you can easily read all reviews of that product from different users.
View the Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers on the Market, Below.

1.Cast Magnesium Apple/Potato Peeler Corer by Spiralizer, Durable Heavy Duty Die Cast Magnesium Alloy Peelers
- Made To Last – Forged From Ultra-Strong Die Cast Magnesium, not brittle steel for greater stability and strength
- The Highest Quality – Rust-proof Chrome Plated Winding Rod and 3 prong extension with safety cap. Stainless Steel Blades and Chrome Plated Parts and Poly Handle
- Easy To Use – Powerful Rubber Vacuum Base holds onto tabletop for tremendous stability. Excellent peeler for seniors and those with arthritis

2.VKP Brands VKP1010 Johnny Apple Peeler, Stainless Steel Blades, Red
- Quickly and easily peel, core and slice any apple variety
- Coring/slicing blade can be removed for potatoes
- All blades are stainless steel

3.Johnny Apple Peeler Cast Iron Clamp Base, Apple Slicer, Corer, Parer & Pie maker, Red
- Cast iron: heavy, sturdy enamel-coated cast iron body for superior performance and durability versus low-cost light aluminum or steel copycat peelers
- Stable in use: clamp base attaches firmly to countertops and tables from 1/2 inch to 1 – 1/2 inches thick
- 5 year : comprehensive covers all parts, even the replacement of the stainless steel coring/slicing blade and the adjustable peeling blade

4.Apple Peeler, Stainless Steel Apple Corer Slicer Peeler, Durable Heavy Duty Die Cast Magnesium Alloy Apple Peeler Slicer Corer with Suction Base, Red
- Material and Technology:This apple peeler is made from Ultra-Strong Die Cast stainless steel, which means it won’t rust and is very durable not brittle steel for greater stability and strength.
- Easy To Use:Apple Peeling Machine for peeling, coring, and slicing apples simultaneously in just seconds with an easy turn of the handle.Slices and cores at the same time, or just peels without coring or slicing;wipe clean with warm,soapy water.
- VERSATILE:The Apple Peeler, Slicer, and Corer is perfect for preparing apples for pies, tarts, salads, and canning. And the orange citrus peelers is good for remove the peel of orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime.Easy to wash and clean.

5.Apple Peeler, Slicer, Corer and Spiralizer with Sturdy Suction Base; Sleek Grey and Stainless Steel Design – Heavy Duty and Durable Apple Peeler by Heczy
- STURDY & DURABLE: Constructed of high grade durable 303 stainless steel for greater stability and strength for long-lasting performance and the new grey color is sure to match any kitchen decor!
- ADJUSTABLE & SHARP: An adjustable peeling blade allows for fruits and vegetables to be peeled at different depths, while the sharp apple corer tool also thinly slices apples and acts as a potato spiral cutter.
- PEELS, CORES & SLICES: In one operation this fruit peeler can peel, slice and core and apple within seconds. You can choose peel only by locking the apple core remover to the side. Another reason we think this is the best potato peeler for your kitchen is because the potato slicer doubles as a curly fry cutter for homemade curly fries!

6.Prepworks by Progressive Apple Peeler and Corer Machine, Heavy Duty Corer Remover, Pear Slicer, Mountable on Counter or Tabletop Apple Machine
- MULTIFUNCTIONAL: Reduce the work and quickly prep apples for fresh homemade pies, tarts, sauces, and snacks.
- ALL-IN-ONE TOOL: Our apple machine peels, cores and slices all with one tool
- EASY-TO-USE: Please read directions carefully and be carefull with the apple corer sharp prongs

7.Apple Peeler and Corer by Cucina Pro – Long Lasting Chrome Cast Iron with Countertop Suction Cup
- Suction cup adheres to counter top with a strong hold
- Red enamel coating gives this peeler a retro look
- Chrome cast iron construction for years of service

8.Gorgenius Apple Peelers,Apple Peeler Corer Slicer Suction Base Durable Heavy Duty Blade Peelers 1pc Extra Blade
- MATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGY: This apple peelers is made from Ultra-Strong Die Cast stainless steel, which means it won’t rust and is very durable not brittle steel for greater stability and strength.
- EFFICIENTLY:Peeler, cores and slices: Have you ever been wanting to make an apple based pudding, but the thought of having to peel, core and slice every single apple just puts you off? Well that worry is about to be put behind you as this Precision Kitchenware product with no hassle at all! It will swiftly peel, core and slice your fruits perfectly and evenly
- OPERATE STEPS:Apple peeler and corer and slicer potato peeler corer and slicer machine in heavy duty cast iron with flat vacuum suction countertop base and thin metal side clamp to secure the machine to your kitchen counter or table top

9.TAEERY Best Apple Spiral Peeler And Slicer,Table Top Apple Potato Peeler Corer Slicer Suction Base With Clamp,Stainless Steel Hand-Cranking Apple Peeler And Corer
- APPLE PEELER MATERIAL:- This apple peeler slicer corer is made from Ultra-Strong Die Cast 304 stainless steel, which means it won’t rust and is very durable not brittle steel for greater stability and strength.
- EFFICIENTLY:- This apple spiralizer is the best invention ever! apple peeler corer slicer suction base is amazing and it slices the apples too! It took me 1-2 minutes to peel, core,Easy to use! It will swiftly peel, core and slice your fruits perfectly and evenly.
- OPERATE STEPS:- Apple peeler corer slicer and slicer machine in heavy duty cast iron with flat vacuum suction countertop base and thin metal side clamp to secure the machine to your kitchen counter or table top.

10.Aiky Apple Peeler Slicer and Corer Suction Base for Pear Potatoes Apple Pie Cobbler Maker Red Cast Iron Body Kitchen Gadget
- Easy To Use: Apple Peeling Machine for peeling, coring, and slicing apples simultaneously in just seconds with an easy turn of the handle. Slices and cores at the same time, or just peels without coring or slicing.
- VERSATILE: The Apple Peeler, Slicer, and Corer is perfect for preparing apples, pears and peaches for pies, tarts, salads, and canning. And the orange citrus peelers is good for remove the peel of orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, potato, carrot and so on.
- Suction base design, The bottom could be strongly attached and fixed to any surface by using the small handle aside. Making sure of the safety while using the machine.
All information explained above is collected from the authentic sources. The ranking has been given on Apple Peeler Corer Slicers based on featured and minimum reviews and rating on amazon.com. However, it is always advisable to make sure your requirements and purposes. After that, you should check the product and its features to confirm that it is meeting your needs and purposes.
We hope you enjoyed our article on “Ten Best Apple Peeler Corer Slicers for 2020”, if so, please share it.
Tags: best rated apple peeler corer slicers 2020, highest rated apple peeler corer slicers, best rated apple peeler corer slicers